Farmers’ Terms of Trade (FTT) June 2024 was 118.77 or increased 1.77 percent and the price of premium quality rice at the huller level decreased by 0.75 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Selatan Regency

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Farmers’ Terms of Trade (FTT) June 2024 was 118.77 or increased 1.77 percent and the price of premium quality rice at the huller level decreased by 0.75 percent.

Release Date : July 1, 2024
File Size : 3.92 MB


  • FTT is the ratio of the index of prices received by farmers (It) and the index of prices paid by farmers (Ib).
  • FTT is an indicator to measure the farmers’ purchasing power parity in rural areas. FTT shows the terms of trade of agricultural products with goods and services consumption and production costs.
  • In June 2024, national FTT was 118.77 or increased by 1.77 percent compared with that in May 2024. The increase in FTT was due to the increase in the index of prices received by farmers (It) at 1.85 percent, which was higher than the increase in the index of prices paid by farmers (Ib) at 0.08 percent.
  • In June 2024, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province had the highest increase in FTT at 4.60 percent. On the other hand, Kalimantan Selatan Province experienced the highest decrease in FTT at 0.62 percent.
  • The price index of household consumption (IKRT) in June 2024 decreased by 0.01 percent in Indonesia, which was due to the decrease in food, beverage, and tobacco groups.
  • Paddy sales transactions in 24 provinces during June 2024, recorded transactions of the dried harvested grain (GKP) at 61.59 percent, the dried unhusked grain (GKG) at 29.26 percent, and the other quality at 9.15 percent.
  • In June 2024, the average GKP price at the farmer level was Rp6,171 per kg or increased by 5.64 percent and the average GKP price at the huller level was Rp6,319 per kg or increased by 5.44 percent compared to the price of similar quality paddy in May 2024. The average price of GKG at the farmer level was Rp6,859 per kg or increased by 2.75 percent and at the huller level was Rp6,986 per kg or increased by 2.78 percent. The price of the other quality paddy at the farmer level was Rp5,767 per kg or increased by 5.84 percent while at the huller level was Rp5,945 per kg or increased by 6.62 percent.
  • Compared to June 2023, the average price of paddy at the farmer level in June 2024 for GKP, GKG, and the other quality increased by 11.34 percent, 8.17 percent, and 8.04 percent, respectively. At the huller level, the average price of paddy in June 2024 for GKP, GKG, and the other quality increased by 11.39 percent, 8.13 percent, and 9.02 percent, respectively.
  • In June 2024, the average price of premium quality rice at the huller level was Rp12,902 per kg or decreased by 0.75 percent compared to the price of similar quality rice in May 2024, while the price of medium quality rice at the huller level was Rp12,314 per kg or increased by 2.01 percent, the average price of submedium quality rice at the huller level was Rp12,111 per kg or increased by 0.96 percent, and the average price of the broken quality rice at the huller level was Rp12,073 per kg or increased by 3.19 percent.
  • Compared to the June 2023, the average price of rice at the huller level in June 2024 for premium, medium, submedium, and the broken quality increased by 11.94 percent, 11.13 percent, 16.17 percent, and 28.97 percent, respectively.
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